Sending waves of Hope and Love

Hi, I’m Susan. I am an Architect, Designer, Lover of Plants and just about anything. I think the world is beautiful as it is! Don’t you? I love peace that transcends understanding and here’s to hoping that you receive my prayers and love through these blogs.

Waiting bears fruit! Yes,it’s true.

I love my Lord. Yes, He has done wonderful things for me and my family! And now that family has an addition of one lil one! Oh what a wonderful God we serve. Oh, the season of waiting for a child, just like waiting on marriage has been a strenuous one. Most of all is…

Isaiah 30:15-18

15 This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation,    in quietness and trust is your strength,    but you would have none of it. ….. 18 Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you;    therefore he will rise up to show you compassion.For the Lord is a God of justice.    Blessed are all who wait for him!” Isn’t it…

Turning 30 and His pruning

I remember while writing this, the part in ‘Friends’ where Joey clenches his fist, looks up and screams- “we had a deal!!” Lol.. No, God and I didn’t have a deal, at least I think. I think my ‘turning 30’ was Ok-ayish. Yes, I did have some expectations but delays did occur, they continue to.…

I learn, I grow..

One of the most important things we can learn in our life sometimes comes from sitting down with people who have walked on this earth longer than us – and I am so grateful for that! I often hope and pray now that my years wasted as a young-er person (not that I am too…

Freedom by Faith

How does it happen that we are so weak and vulnerable, moved with emotions and feelings that we become open to the enemy’s attacks so quickly? I am realising that child like Faith is just a matter of asking our Abba Father for help rather than wading through the waters with difficulty! I need GOD!…

A Letter to my adult self

Just like physical ailments may be handed down from generations, mental illnesses can also be passed down. Also, like it’s best to ‘manage’ our physical ailments, we do best to also manage our mental health too. It may not come naturally and the easiest thing is to pivot and hide behind something which is most…

Brokenness, Obedience and Joy

As my husband and I close in on one year of marriage, I thought I’ll take a moment to examine carefully my own spiritual life. If you have read my previous post, you would see a woman who is cribbing and finding it difficult to praise and be grateful to God with adversities as much…

Create in me a clean heart, O God!

If we all have a moment to confess our truths to ourselves and forget what it means for the world to not see those tiny cracks in our perfect lives, what would we say? I have come to realise the Sovereignty and jealousy of God in the short period of marriage.. One, His Sovereignty- that…

Why marriage for me, Lord?

I remember the days that I frantically moved around trying to find an answer to the angst of when I’d be married? What qualities of mine would attract a man towards me? That last question was prompted by my concerns that I wasn’t born to ‘Born again’ Christians that caused ripples of anxiousness and strain…

Dear Child of God,

Dear Child of God, Are you afraid? Pray Do you feel this load too heavy to carry? Pray Daughter of Zion, are you helpless? Pray Do you worry for your daily bread? Pray Can’t you see your life beyond today and tomorrow? Trust and Pray Are these perils overwhelming? Pray Do you feel invisible to…

Forgiveness This is an original article that I was able to write for this wonderful women based newsletter (all credits to them for publishing) Nov 28, 2020 “Praying for a Lost Loved One By Susan M. Thomas Honestly, I would like this article to be written by someone who would have not had the bitter…

He (Jesus) MUST Hold me Fast.

“Those He saves are HIS delight, Christ will hold me fast.” (Hold me Fast- song by Gettys) “If I rise on the wings of dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast” (Psalm 139:9-10) “Fear not, for I…

Order & almost ‘order’

Day One “Check your balance” “It hasn’t come, papa” Day Two “Did you check your balance?” His voice thunders such that your heart trembles “Not yet, I haven’t checked online, maybe it has come in my account but they didn’t notify me on message” “Hmm..” Day three The impatience is soaring and the tea placed…

“You worry a lot!”

There was a time when I was very young, in my school when I used to tell myself that one day when I am an adult, I will never have to worry about anything anymore. I would be free from living with my parents and I would walk into the world with all my accolades…

Who can do this?

The carcasses of the human bodies strewn in disorder.. The angst to know who performs his God-given purpose well.. The anxiousness of putting the show of not letting people see this anxiousness in you and all in all, the running away from your own mind for a while.. Hoping there is safety in the dark…

Jesus Laments.

Poem on John 11 – Oh Mary, Mary, Mary! Do you see him walking to Jerusalem? Oh Mary, I am right beside him. He loves you Mary! He loves you Martha! He says your brother is sleeping. It confuses us. But he says he is about to live. Oh Mary, we are outside the city…

A Healer’s Journey

It was a good day but the world could not have been darker for the girl walking down the streets of Calicut. There was a chill in the night air and it crawled up her spine while she made her way to the crowded bus stand of the city. One cannot help but glance at…

And HANNAH prayed.

2 Corinthians 4:9 “We are hard pressed on all sides, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.” I will not lie – For me, the lockdown and the whole pandemic started in good spirits. I wasn’t angry or in despair or in need of a…


In this world where diversity and ethnicity are becoming words that carry more coverage in the media than ever, there is a question- How do we create unity by respecting where the other comes from. It was a chance encounter wherein I came across a podcast going by the name – Landscapes and Pancakes on…


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